Wednesday, January 9, 2008

It's Japanese!!!

わたし とても しあわせな です。だいじよおぶ。 これ 日本語 ですよ。

いま べんきょします。 きょ 日本 テスト あります。 それから ねます。

This is a very short message. Sorry. It took a very long time to get my computer to cooperate and type in Japanese.


Hilderbee said...

It looks like you're missing a few characters there. I can see how that would happen; it's very difficult to get the computer to let you type straight into the posting box in Japanese. What I usually do is type up my post in Microsoft Word and then paste it into the posting box on Blogger. So far it's been working just fine.

nanyoungwon said...


Kristin said...

cancer? 本とですか。

なにょうんぐをン は だれ ですか。

Does anyone know how to find other people in the class? This whole blogging thing is confusing me...

Hamada said...


kristinさん、go to the J102 blog website. The URL is on the syllabus. You will find your classmates' blogs on the right. If you have questions, email me!BTW, nanyoungwonさんはJ102のTAですよ!